January - 2023 (Volume-13 ~ Issue-1 ~ Series-1)

Paper Type


Research Paper



Formulation and evaluation of Hair oil from Arial Roots of Banyan Tree






Tejaswini S.Shinge || Apeksha S.Jadhav || Sonali R.Mali || Poonam S.Shinde || Pooja S Mali

Page No.



Hair loss problem is of great concern to both males & females & the main problems associated with hair loss are hair fading, dandruff & falling of hair. The main purpose of formulation of this hair oil is to overcome the problem of hair like falling of hair, dandruff and so on. For preparation of hair oil we select the roots of Ficus Bengalese's and coconut oil. The roots of Ficus Bengalese's is very beneficial for hair growth and decrease the hair loss. IN this roots the protein, flavonoids, phenolic content, glycoside are present which give the benefit to hair. After formulation of hair oil evaluation test can be performed in which acid test, colour Odour, ph, viscosity was determined successfully. From the evaluation test we concluded that this herbal oil give positive effects to hair. And oil have a significant quality.

Keywords:- Roots of FicusBengalese's, hair oil ,evaluation,

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Paper Type


Research Paper



Role of Quinine in prevention and treatment of malaria A historical, structural and adverse effect Review






Shreyash Narade

Page No.



Great progress has been made in recent years to reduce the high level of suffering caused by malaria worldwide. Notably, the use of insecticide treated mosquito nets for malaria prevention and antimalarial drugs with the use of artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) for malaria treatment have made a significant impact. This article reviews the role, structural pictographs and side-effects of quinine, comparison of all quinine used so far and their discoveries and properties. It's role in prevention and Elimination and its side-effects. Quinine remains an important antimalarial drug almost 410 years after its effectiveness was first documented........

[1]. WHO malaria report 2021 https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240040496
[2]. Cheney C. Fight against malaria stalling and could reverse, warns 2017 World Malaria Report. http://theconversation.com/global-malaria-repor t-reveals-africas-hits-and- misses-heres-what-to-do-88577.
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[5]. Salako LA, Sowunmi A. Disposition of quinine in plasma, red blood cells and saliva after oral and intravenous administration to healthy adult Africans. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 1992;42(2):171-4. doi: 10.1007/BF00278479. PMID:1618248.

Paper Type


Research Paper



Assessment of Risk Factors, Prevalence, Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in a Community






Vinaykumar K || Milanakumar D K || Hithesh Kumar R || Bhavani K C || Dr. Ravindra P Choudhary

Page No.



Background Information: Awareness of PCOS among public is minimum, surveys and studies focused on assessing PCOS and patient perceptions in the Indian setting are very limited. Objective: To Assess the Risk factors and KAP associated with PCOS in a community. Materials and Methods: an observation study conducted in community of Mysore, Hassan and Mandya for 5 months. Females of age group (12 -55 years), who can understand, answer questionnaire and who are willing to participate in the study were included. Severe illness patient, not cooperative and pregnant women were excluded. KAP questionnaire consists6 of 11 knowledge, 8 attitude and 7 practice items was implemented on 106 subjects. Essential data required for analysing KAP on PCOS were collected using suitable forms, scores were evaluated using the statistical tools........

Keywords: KAP, PCOS, Risk factors, Prevalence.

[1]. Badawy A, Elnashar A. Treatment options for polycystic ovary syndrome. International journal of women's health. 2011;3:25.
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[5]. Albezrah NK, Arein FR. Knowledge, attitude, and practice toward weight reduction among polycystic ovary syndrome women at Taif city. Saudi Journal for Health Sciences. 2019 May 1;8(2):112.