March - 2017 (Volume-7 ~ Issue-3)

Paper Type


Research Paper



Chemical composition, free radical scavenging and antifungal activity ofZanthoxylumleprieuriiessential oils against Epidermophytonfloccosum and Trichophytonrubrum






Tchabong ||, S.R.,Sameza ||, M.L., Tchameni ||, N.S., Mounbain F ||, Mouelle ||, Sone, A., Jazet ||, D.P.M., Tchoumbougnang ||, F.and Menut ||,

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These investigations were carried out to analyze the chemical composition, to evaluate the radical scavenging, and the anti-fungal activities of essential oils from leaves and fruits of Zanthoxylumleprieurii. Methods: Oils were obtained by hydro distillation using Clevenger-type apparatus. The compounds were identified by gas chromatography and gas chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometry. Antifungal activity of the essential oils was tested in vitro against Epidermophytonfloccosum and Trichophytonrubrumwhile free radical scavenging activity evaluation was done using 2,2-diphenyl picrylhydrazyl method. Results: Results showed that, the major components of the leaves oil were (E)-ß-ocimene (91.5 %) while the most abundant components from fruits oil were (E)-ß-Ocimene (90.3 %). The total growth inhibition of the pathogens by fruits essential oil occurred at 4.0 mg/ml and 3.0 mg/ml respectively, forEpidermophytonfloccosum and Trichophytonrubrum. The leaves oil exhibited total growth inhibition at 4.0 mg/ml against both pathogens. These oils also showed antioxidant activities with SC50 values at 2.0 mg/ml and 5.0 mg/ml respectively, for fruits and leaves. There were positive and significant correlations between mycelia growth inhibition of both pathogens and the antioxidant activities of the tested oils.
[1] Canizares, O. and Harman, R. Clinical tropical dermatology. 1992; 2nd ed. Boston: Blackwell Scientific Publications 859p
[2] Summerbell, R.C., Weitzman I. and Padhye A. A.Trichophyton,Microsporum,Epidermophytonand agents of superficial mycoses. In PR Murray et al. (eds) 2007; Manual ofClinical Microbiology. Ch. 124. 9th ed. ASM Press. Washington, DC. p1874-1897.
[3] Elewski, B.E. Onychomycosis: Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Management. 1998; Clinical. Microbiology. Review. 11(3): 415-429.
[4] Mau, J.L., Chao, G.R., and Wu, K.T. (2001). Antioxidant properties of methanolic extracts from several mushrooms. 2001; Journal of. Agriculture and Food Chemistry. 49(11):5461–5467.
[5] Pinto, E., Silva, L.V., Cavaleiro, C., and Salgueiro, L. Antifungal activity of the clove essential oil from Syzygiumaromaticum on Candida, Aspergillus and dermatophyte species. 2009; Journal of Medecine and Microbiology. 58:1454-1462.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Pharmacology and therapeutic potential of Euphorbia hirta (Syn: Euphorbia pilulifera)- A review






Prof Dr Ali Esmail Al-Snafi

Page No.



The phytochemical screening of Euphorbia hirta revealed that the plant contained reducing sugars, terpenoids, alkaloids, steroids, tannins, proteins, fats, oils, gums, mucilages, glycoside, saponin, coumarin, cardiac glycosides, anthroquinones, flavanoids and phenolic compounds. The previous pharmacological studies showed that Euphorbia hirta exerted antioxidant, antimicrobial, sedative anxiolytic, antiepileptic, antiinflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic, antihistaminic, antiasthmatic, antidiabetic, anticancer, wound healing, gastrointestinal, diuretic, antiparasitic, immunological, hepatoprotective, galactogenic, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibiting and anti-dipsogenic activities. The current review discussed the chemical constituents, pharmacological and therapeutic potential of Euphorbia hirta. Keywords: chemical content, pharmacology, therapeutic potential, Euphorbia hirta
[1] Al-Snafi AE. Medicinal plants possessed anti-inflammatory antipyretic and analgesic activities (part 2)- plant based review. Sch Acad J Pharm 2016; 5(5): 142-158.
[2] Al-Snafi AE. Medicinal plants affected reproductive systems (part 2) - plant based review. Sch Acad J Pharm 2016; 5(5): 159-174.
[3] Al-Snafi AE. Medicinal plants with anticancer effects (part 2)- plant based review. Sch Acad J Pharm 2016; 5(5): 175-193.
[4] Al-Snafi AE. Antiparasitic, antiprotozoal, molluscicidal and insecticidal activity of medicinal plants (part 2) – plant based review. Sch Acad J Pharm 2016; 5(6): 194-207.
[5] Al-Snafi AE. Medicinal plants with antidiabetic effects (part 2): plant based review. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy 2016; 6(7): 49-61.


Paper Type


Research Paper



A review on Fagopyrum esculentum: A potential medicinal plant






Prof Dr Ali Esmail Al-Snafi

Page No.



Fagopyrum esculentum contained alkaloids, amino acids, anthraquinones, carbohydrates, flavonoids, phlobatannins and tannins. The nutritional analysis of Fagopyrum esculentum flour and bran revealed that they contained starch: 55, 75 and 18%; proteins: 12, 6 and 36%; lipids: 4, 1 and 11%; soluble carbohydrates: 2, 1 and 6%; total dietary fibers: 7, 3 and 15%; and ash: 2, 1 and 7% respectively. The pharmacological studies showed that Fagopyrum esculentum possessed antioxidant, antiinflammatory, cardiovascular, hypolipidemic, antigenotoxic, antidiabetic, reno-protective, anticancer, antimicrobial, wound healing, antistress, protected memory impairment and photoprotective effects. This review will highligh the chemical constituents and pharmacological effects of Fagopyrum esculentum. Keywords: Fagopyrum esculentum, contents, constituents, pharmacology
[1] Al-Snafi AE. The pharmacological importance of Aloe vera- A review. International Journal of Phytopharmacy Research 2015; 6(1) : 28-33.
[2] Al-Snafi AE. Medicinal plants affected reproductive systems (part 2) - plant based review. Sch Acad J Pharm 2016; 5(5): 159-174.
[3] Al-Snafi AE. Medicinal plants with anticancer effects (part 2)- plant based review. Sch Acad J Pharm 2016; 5(5): 175-193.
[4] Al-Snafi AE. Antiparasitic, antiprotozoal, molluscicidal and insecticidal activity of medicinal plants (part 2) – plant based review. Sch Acad J Pharm 2016; 5(6): 194-207.
[5] Al-Snafi AE. Medicinal plants with antidiabetic effects (part 2): plant based review. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy 2016; 6(7): 49-61.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Nutritional and pharmacological importance of Ficus carica - A review






Prof Dr Ali Esmail Al-Snafi

Page No.



The preliminary phytocemical analysis showed that the fruits of Ficus carica contained alkaloids, tannins, glycosides, flavanoids, saponins, coumarins, sterols, terpenes carbohydrates, phenols, essential oil, volatile oil, proteins and minerals. The previous pharmacological studies revealed that Ficus carica possessed antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic, antioxidant, anticancer, antimutagene, anti-angiogenic, antiinflammatory, antipyretic, antidiabetic, antiplatelet, reproductive, endocrine, immunological, dermatological, hypolipidemic, nootropic, antispasmodic, antidiarrheal, anti- warts, nephro- and hepato- protective effects. The current paper reviewed the chemical constituents, nutritional and pharmacological importance of Ficus carica. Keywords: Nutrition, pharmacology, constituents, Ficus carica
[1] Rossato SC, Leitao-Filho H and Gegossi A. Ethnobotany of Caicaras of the Atlantic forest coast (Brazil). Econ Bot 1999; 53: 387-395.
[2] Al-Snafi AE. The chemical constituents and therapeutic importance of Cressa cretica- A review . IOSR Journal of Pharmacy 2016; 6(6): 39-46.
[3] Al-Snafi AE. Medical importance of Cichorium intybus – A review IOSR Journal of Pharmacy 2016; 6(3): 41-56.
[4] Al-Snafi AE. The contents and pharmacological importance of Corchorus capsularis- A review. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy 2016; 6(6): 58-63.
[5] Al-Snafi AE. The chemical constituents and pharmacological effects of Convolvulus arvensis and Convolvulus scammonia- A review. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy 2016; 6(6): 64-75.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Pharmacology of Ficus religiosa- A review






Prof Dr Ali Esmail Al-Snafi

Page No.



Chemical analysis showed that Ficus religiosa contained tannins, phenols, saponins, sugars, alkaloids, methionine, terpenoids, flavonoids, glycosides, proteins, separated amino acids, essential and volatile oils and steroids. Previous pharmacological studies revealed that Ficus religiosa possessed antimicrobial, anti-parasitic, anti-Parkinson's, anticonvulsant, anti-amnesic, anticholinergic, antidiabetic, antiinflammatory, analgesic, cytotoxic, anti-ulcer, wound healing, antioxidant, anti- asthmatic, reproductive, hepato-, nephro- and dermato- protective effects. The current review highlights the chemical constituents and pharmacological effects of Ficus religiosa. Keywords: chemical constituents, pharmacological effects, pharmacology, Ficus religiosa
[1] Davidson-Hunt I. Ecological ethnobotany: stumbling toward new practices and paradigms. MASA J 2000; 16: 1–13.
[2] Al-Snafi AE. Medicinal plants with anticancer effects (part 2)- plant based review. Sch Acad J Pharm 2016; 5(5): 175-193.
[3] Al-Snafi AE. Antiparasitic, antiprotozoal, molluscicidal and insecticidal activity of medicinal plants (part 2) – plant based review. Sch Acad J Pharm 2016; 5(6): 194-207.
[4] Al-Snafi AE. Medicinal plants with antidiabetic effects (part 2): plant based review. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy 2016; 6(7): 49-61.
[5] Al-Snafi AE. Medicinal plants with antioxidant and FREE radical scavenging effects (part 2): plant based review. IOSR Journal Of Pharmacy 2016; 6(7): 62-82.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Chemical contents and medical importance of Dianthus caryophyllus- A review






Prof Dr Ali Esmail Al-Snafi

Page No.



Phytochemical analysis of Dianthus caryophyllus showed that it contained triterpenes, alkaloids, coumaruns, cyanogenic glycoside, cyanidin, pelargonidin, the yellow isosalipurposide, essential oil, volatile oil and many other chemical contents. Pharmacological studies revealed that the plant possessed anticancer, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, insecticidal, repellent, antioxidant, reno-protective, anesthetic and analgesic effects. The current review highlights the chemical constituents and pharmacological effects of Dianthus caryophyllus. Keywords: chemical constituents, pharmacology , Dianthus caryophyllus

[1] Al-Snafi AE. A review on Erodium cicutarium: A potential medicinal plant. Indo Am J P Sci 2017; 4(01): 110-116.
[2] Al-Snafi AE. Pharmacology of Echinochloa crus-galli - A review. Indo Am J P Sci 2017; 4(01): 117-122.

[3] Al-Snafi AE. The pharmacological potential of Dactyloctenium aegyptium- A review. Indo Am J P Sci 2017; 4(01): 153-159.
[4] Al-Snafi AE. Chemical constituents, pharmacological and therapeutic effects of Eupatorium cannabinum- A review. Indo Am J P Sci 2017; 4(01): 160-168.
[5] Al-Snafi AE. Nutritional and therapeutic importance of Daucus carota- A review. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy 2017; 7(2): 72-88.


Paper Type


Research Paper



The pharmacological and therapeutic importance of Eucalyptus species grown in Iraq






Prof Dr Ali Esmail Al-Snafi

Page No.



Eucalyptus species grown in Iraq were included Eucalyptus bicolor (Syn: Eucalyptus largiflorens), Eucalyptus griffithsii, Eucalyptus camaldulensis (Syn: Eucalyptus rostrata) Eucalyptus incrassate, Eucalyptus torquata and Eucalyptus microtheca (Syn: Eucalyptus coolabahs). Eucalypts contained volatile oils which occurred in many parts of the plant, depending on the species, but in the leaves that oils were most plentiful. The main constituent of the volatile oil derived from fresh leaves of Eucalyptus species was 1,8-cineole. The reported content of 1,8-cineole varies for 54-95%. The most common constituents co-occurring with 1,8-cineole were limonene, α-terpineol, monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, globulol and α , β and ϒ-eudesmol, and aromatic constituents. The pharmacological studies revealed that Eucalypts possessed gastrointestinal, antiinflammatory, analgesic, antidiabetic, antioxidant, anticancer, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, insecticidal, repellent, oral and dental, dermatological, nasal and many other effects. The current review highlights the chemical constituents and pharmacological and therapeutic activities of Eucalyptus species grown in Iraq. Keywords: Eucalyptus species, constituents, pharmacological, therapeutic
[1] Al-Snafi AE. Therapeutic properties of medicinal plants: a review of their detoxification capacity and protective effects (part 1). Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology 2015; 5(4): 257-270.
[2] Al-Snafi AE. Therapeutic properties of medicinal plants: a review of plants with hypolipidemic, hemostatic, fibrinolytic and anticoagulant effects (part 1). Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology 2015; 5(4): 271-284.
[3] Al-Snafi AE. Therapeutic properties of medicinal plants: a review of their effect on reproductive systems (part 1). Ind J of Pharm Sci & Res 2015; 5(4): 240-248.
[4] Al-Snafi AE. Therapeutic properties of medicinal plants: a review of their gastro-intestinal effects (part 1). Ind J of Pharm Sci & Res 2015; 5(4): 220-232.
[5] Al-Snafi AE. Therapeutic properties of medicinal plants: a review of their antiparasitic, antiprotozoal, molluscicidal and insecticidal activity (part 1). J of Pharmaceutical Biology 2015; 5(3): 203-217.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Evaluation Of Skeletal Muscle Relaxant Activity Of Ethanol Extract Of Chromoleana Odorata






Akash Kumar Shetty || Vinutha N, || Sagar F. Udasimath ||, Kalleshappa C.M, || Krupanidhi A.M, ||, Akshara

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Skeletal muscle relaxants are the agents that are used to treat both muscle spasm and spasticity, acting both as antispasmodic and antispasticity agents. Chromoleana odorata (C.Odorata) is traditionally used for various diseases because of its medicinal properties. The aim was to evaluate the skeletal muscle relaxant activity of the Ethanol extract of leaves of Chromoleana odoratain comparison with diazepam. The ethanol extract was given in Swiss Albino Mice at a dose of 50 mg/kg body weight and 100 mg/kg body weight. Skeletal muscle relaxant activity was assessed by using Rota-rod apparatus. The results are promising for further investigation of efficient skeletal muscle relaxant activity. The study may help in the development of cheap, effective and safe skeletal muscle relaxant drugs. KEYWORDS: Rota- rod apparatus, Chromoleana odorata, Albino mice, Antispasticity
[1] Kalakonda R, Kadiri SK. Screening of skeletal muscle relaxant activity of plant Vicia Faba. International Journal of Pharmacy. 2013; 4: 237-240.
[2] Brunton L L, Blumenthal D K, Murri N, Dandan R H, Knollmann B C. Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 12th Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2011.
[3] Sangha R. Bijekar1, M.C. Gayatri2, L. Rajanna2 International Journal of innovative Research in science, Engineering and technology K.C. Sahni, "The book of Indian tree". 2nd edition Himalays Publishing House, 2009; 285-289
[4] R. Wantana, N. Tassanee, S. Sanan, "Antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity of Putranjiva roxburghii leaves", Net Med (Tokyo). 2009; 63(3): 290-296.
[5] Singh and N. K. Dubey, "An ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants in Sonebhadra District of Uttar, Pradesh, India with reference to their infection by foliar fungi" Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 2013; 6(14): 2727-2746.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Development of Analytical Procedure for the Quantification of






M. Getia || V. Mshvildadze || A. Pichette || G. Dekanosidze || Z. Kemoklidze

Page No.



Fatsiflogin" is an original, nonsteroidal para-medical preparation from the leaves of Fatsia japonica
with anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities. Fatsioside D (tetraosid of hederagenin) as one of
the major compound of "Fatsiflogin", was selected as a chemical markerfor the quantitative validation. The
objective of this study is to develop a simple and reliable HPLC method for the determination of Fatsiosid D for
quality control studies of "Fatsiflogin". FatsiosideD was purified by preparative HPLC and the structure of the
compound was determined by NMR. HPLC separation was performed on an intertsil prep-ODS C18 column,
with a solvent system water-acetonitrile. The UV detection is performed at 205 nm. The proposed HPLC method
is linear in the range studied (r2> 0.999) for all the analytes. The method is precise with intra- and inter-day
variations of less than 3.34%. The mean recoveries of the analytes range from 99.68 to 100.29%. The method is
successfully applied to the quantification of Fatsioside D. The results indicated that developed HPLC method
could be used for the quality control of "Fatsiflogin".
Keywords -HPLC-DAD, quantitative validation, triterpene saponine, "Fatsiflogin", Fatsioside D, tsiajaponica,
[1] DendrofloraKavkaza. Native and cultivated trees and Shrubs. 1986. Tbilisi, "Metsniereba", Vol. 6. p. 74.
[2] KachalovA. A., Trees and Shrubs. (1970), Izd. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Lesnaya Prom-st, Moscow. 287 pages.
[3] Shalamberidze L.P., Tsitlanadze V.G., Kemertelidze E.P., kartvelishvili E. U. (1998) New plant preparation - Fatsiflogin in the theraphy of Rheumatoid Arthrits. Russian Rheumatology. 1. p. 43-46
[4] Kemertelidze E.P., Kemoklidze Z.S., Dekanosidze G.E., Berezniyakova A. I. Triterpene glycosides from Fatsia japonica Introduced in Georgia and their pharmacological activities. Chemical Pharmaceutical Journal, Moscow, 2001, vol. 35, #8, p. 24-27
[5] Kemoklidze Z.S., Dekanosidze G.E., Kemertelidze E.P., Berezniyakova A. I., Volkovoyi V.A., Lokteva M.E. Method of reception of a medical preparation with anti-inflammatory activity, Certificate of author USSR №1541820 Published 08.10.1989.